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ENGLISH SINGLES | Daydream | English Cassingles... CS | Palace of the Golden Cassingle *new
DAVILA 666 | Sabes Que Quiero | Primero Muerta 7-inch | HoZac *new
DAVILA 666 | Pingorocha y la Diva Rockera | Pingorocha... 7" | Douche Master *new
GANGLIANS | Try to Understand | Monster Headroom LP+7-inch | Weird Forest *new
THE HUNCHES | Unraveling | Exit Dreams | In The Red 2009
THE ZEBRA ATTACK | Organize Powers | Lightwieght Into Earblocking Noises | Soundexploder 2004
MAYYORS | Deads | Deads 12-inch EP | Hurling Man *new
CHROME | Mondo Anthem | Half Machine Lip Moves | Siren 1979
ZENI GEVA | Nai-Ha/Terminal HZ | Nai-Ha/Super Unit LP+1-sided 12-inch | Skin Graft 1996
WHITE SUNS | Summer Tape Mix | v/a: Human Conduct Detox Program CDR | Human Conduct 2009
FRANCIS HAROLD & THE HOLOGRAMS | I See It All | Who Said These Were Happy Times | Going Underground/Square Wave *new
MANIKIN | Grinding Halt [The Cure] | Stop the Sirens | Super Secret *new
CRASH NORMAL | Finger Shower | Finger Shower 10" | Rijapov *new
CRASH NORMAL | Flying to NY | Flying to NY 7" | Plastic Idol *new
THE MANIKINS | Let Me Go | The Start For Me 7" | Plastic Idol *new
KING TUFF | Ruthie | Was Dead CS | Burger *new
MANO DE MONO | Man in the Corner | Humans 7-inch | Discos Humeantes *new
CONCENTRATION SUMMER CAMPS | Speakin' Romanian | You Hate C.S.C. 7-inch | Discos Humeantes *new
LAS NURSES | So Tired | Apples & Hatreds 7-inch | Discos Humeantes *new
BIPOLAR BEAR | The Desert Tree | new 7-inch | ??? *forthcoming
TALBOT TAGORA | Internet Fixture | split 10" w/ Bipolar Bear | olFactory *new
CHRIS WOODHOUSE | M1 | v/a: Cityy Managgers CDR | no label 2001?
SWERVEDRIVER | Flawed | Sandblasted EP | Creation 1991 *request
JESSAMINE | Inevitably | Jessamine | Kranky 1994
FIFTY FOOT HOSE | Cauldron | Cauldron | Weasel Disc 1994 (orig 1967)
CIRCUIT DES YEUX | Fruition...P o P Marvellous | Fruition 7" | Dull Knife *new
BLUES CONTROL | Tangier | Local Flavor | Siltbreeze *new
If you're in the Sacramento area, the most reliable way to get your mitts on The Mayyors' Deads 12" EP is to come to the official record release party at The Funcastle (2309 L Street), which starts at 8pm with The Blimp, and then features The Pizzas and The Hunches (during their brief Exit Dreams reunion tour to make their end official). You must donate ≥ $5 to avoid the guilty feeling of leaving two band vans in need of gasoline and eight Oregonian musicians in search of food and beer. Figure on bringing $10 more

Don't even fret about spending $10 (plus postage for those unlucky enough not to be at the party) for four songs 'cos Deads sets a new bar for the Mayyors and for EP releases in 2009. These are the four best Mayyors songs so far, and they are rendered impeccably onto deluxe 180-gram vinyl mastered by John Golden, so you know that no corner was cut. The three uptempo ragers are even louder, more ruthless, and somehow also catchier than the Marines Dot Com or Megan's LOLZ 7"es, while the lugubrious title track--its bullish buzzy, yet rapturous riff clanging like a klaxon, beckoning the band's minions to the altar of patient zero of a zombie apocalypse--is by far the must punishing. "Deads" has become the perfect outro to the band's live sets. After the entire crowd is sweat-soaked following their program of turbulent boogaloo-scuzz catharsis-partyhits, this slow-burner comes like a much-needed cool-down after a strenuous workout, when the minions can only muster the bleary lurch of a zombie. Really, I'm not even kidding...people always dance like zombies when this song is performed.
"Clicks" is also really remarkable, as it's surely the most integral full-band achievement yet. The most tenacious mach-speed motorik drumbeat drives forward a supremely nifty interlocking bass/guitar riff while singer John Pritchard is in his very best and most aggressive form, and that's just describing the first verse! As the band varies from the riff, it becomes even more thrilling as the arcane synth device is deployed to warp waves of perfectly tuned guitar scree in time with the constantly stout cadence, and as a grand finalé, the rhythm section flourishes with thundering tumbles and divebombing bass slides. Each member is achieving optimal performance simultaneously within a stunningly arranged and peerlessly produced song.
Also this week--by popular demand--here's further proof that the wallop of a Woodhouse production is always so astounding. "M1" is from a deep well of tightly guarded solo recordings from early this decade between Karate Party and FM Knives. Chris generously offered it to me for inclusion in my KDVS Fundraiser 2009 thank-you gift compilation CDR, Cityy Managgers. This is some incredible soaring dreampop of scintillating beauty coupled with jolting impact. It's like firing a howitzer from the basket of a hot-air balloon floating through a splendorous alpine valley. My Bloody Valentine coulda reformed with Brian Chippendale in tow, and I don't know if it could come off this perfect.
Now have a look at some footage of the Mayyors live at KDVS presents Operation: Restore Maximum Freedom VII fest on May 16. Imagine how it would've sounded if this were recorded in front of the speakers!!!
very great, but where do we find it? any stores/distro for euros?
yikes...links don't work! what am i supposed to do at work today?
why did you use the video where i am half naked?! haha
I can't test this while I'm at work, but somebody tell me if this works for last night's show, please....
Should be some kinda schmaltzy funk at the beginning, then a series of announcements, and then the English Singles. Let me know!
Since this is a new academic quarter at UC-Davis, we have a new schedule, and sometimes these archiving links get shuffled around. But I have a hunch this is the link that will work. Meanwhile, my email is erupting about this, and I can't afford the time to write everyone back about it.
Why do they make their records so hard to find?
Sounds more like Sexy Prison. Everything this band does is incredible. I bet there is no chance in hell they will play outside of California, never mind come to England.
They did fly into Texas for SXSW. A return to the Pacific Northwest is planned in a couple months. The East Coast seems plausible enough, too, for a fly-in. I don't know about hopping the pond, though, but if you ever take a Sacramento vacation (I know it's hardly a popular destination for Europeans), get in touch!
NYC...Oct 3rd?
NYC?! yessssssssssssss
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